Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fun things in the community

So this Saturday at 2 o'clock at the Mary Riley Stiles library in Falls Church, there is a Harry Potter party. For those who don't know, Falls Church City was voted the "Harry-est town in America" by because we had the most pre-ordered books online per capita. I'm planning on going, as long as I don't have a new baby around! Also, next Friday at the Cherry Hill Park - right across the street from MRS library, the city is showing Happy Feet, a kids movie. It starts at 8:30 pm. You can check at the Falls Church website online. They'll be doing a kids movie every Friday night during the month of August. It's outside, so the kids can also play and you can pack a picnic dinner or whatnot. It sounds like a ton of fun! I believe the week after that is the Wizard of Oz, we'll definitely have to see that one! It's one of Isaac's favorites!
FYI- I won't be at playgroup for the next 2 weeks. I have family in town for the baby. So if anyone wants to do an outing on those Thursdays I won't be able to plan them. Anyone else wanting too? Have fun, and maybe see you Sunday...hopefully not right?? haha


Katherine Bouldin said...

Re: Harry Potter party ... we went and it was fun! Other kids in addition to mine were dressed up in HP costumes. They were each sorted in houses (mine ended up in Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw), played Quidditch (library style), made wands, hunted for golden snitches, did HP themed crosswords & word searches and also had lots of yummy treats like "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans", etc. They did a good job planning and executing that one. Hooray for the library!

Bishop Family said...

Sounds like a ton of fun. We've had a busy last few days, and we ended up going to Tyson's to get outfits for a family photo. Wish I could have gone though... I was outvoted!