Sunday, July 22, 2007

Anyone interested in Field Trips?

I was talking with Shar on Tuesday and we thought it might be fine to start doing field trips on Thursdays for those who are interested. There's so much to do around here and a lot of fun things. So if you're interested let's get something going. There's neat parks, kid's train rides, free kid movies at IMAX theaters, historical sites, museums, etc. Let's try to get a list going of things in the area and schedule a date.
Also, we'll meet Tuesday at 9:30 at the park. Email or call me for directions.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy 4th Everyone!

We will start meeting at 9:30 am instead of 10:30 to try and beat the heat. We hope everyone everyone has a great time on Wed. If you don't already have plans for the 4th, remember the Yeates are having a bash along the Potomac. They sent out info on it on the listserv. If you didn't get it let me know and I'll email you the details. Hope to see everyone there tomorrow!