Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fun things in the community

So this Saturday at 2 o'clock at the Mary Riley Stiles library in Falls Church, there is a Harry Potter party. For those who don't know, Falls Church City was voted the "Harry-est town in America" by because we had the most pre-ordered books online per capita. I'm planning on going, as long as I don't have a new baby around! Also, next Friday at the Cherry Hill Park - right across the street from MRS library, the city is showing Happy Feet, a kids movie. It starts at 8:30 pm. You can check at the Falls Church website online. They'll be doing a kids movie every Friday night during the month of August. It's outside, so the kids can also play and you can pack a picnic dinner or whatnot. It sounds like a ton of fun! I believe the week after that is the Wizard of Oz, we'll definitely have to see that one! It's one of Isaac's favorites!
FYI- I won't be at playgroup for the next 2 weeks. I have family in town for the baby. So if anyone wants to do an outing on those Thursdays I won't be able to plan them. Anyone else wanting too? Have fun, and maybe see you Sunday...hopefully not right?? haha