Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Library Events

I was just looking around at other libraries in the area and thought I would post their upcoming storytimes.

Thomas Jefferson Library: Next Wednesday, April 7th, they will be having a special storytime at 10:30am called "Let's Dig." The program will consist of stories, songs, fingerplays, and a craft. You must call to register for this class. Ages 1-5 welcome with parent.

Tyson Pimmit Regional Library: A couple of times a month they do a children's storytime. The next one will be on April 13th. It's called "Celebrate Library Week." There will be stories, fingerplays, and songs. You must call to register. All ages welcome.

Mary Riley Styles Library: Then of course Mary Riley Styles has open storytime every Tues and Thurs at 10:30am for preschoolers. No registration required. They also have a drop in craft on the third Saturday of every month from 11am-2pm. This month it is on April 17th. It's free.

If anyone has information about another library or activity in the area please let us know!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Falls Church Community Easter Egg Hunt

This Saturday is the Falls Church Community Easter Egg Hunt. It will be at Cherry Hill Park at 10am and it's FREE! Sounds like a lot of fun so check out the flyer.

Also, don't forget that playgroup is having their very own egg hunt this Friday at 10:30 at the church. Bring 5 filled eggs and your own lunch. I'll have a craft to do inside first and then we'll run outside for the egg hunt.

Also, just found out that you no longer have to register for the 4pm craft at Doodlehopper on Thursdays. Just show up for a free FUN craft. Last week we made bug jars and they were super cute.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Consignment Sale

Check out the flier. This sounds like a pretty big consignment sale. Happy shopping everyone, and thanks Zoe for the tip!

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Everyone loved the cupcakes that Ryan made for playgroup this morning. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Upcoming Activities

Here's a list of a few things going on this week that might be fun to check out.

Wed. March 24th: Mr. Knick Knack comes every Wed at 11am to the play area on level 3 at Tyson's Corner Mall. I've been before and loved it!

Thurs. March 25th: Story hour at Mary Riley Styles library in Falls Church at 10:30am

Also, at 4pm every Thursday DoodleHopper4kids has a free craft. You must call to register though and reserve your space.

Fri. March 26th: Tot Time at the Falls Church Community Center Gym from 10-noon. This used to be a free service but they now charge $1 per child. Still, I've heard it's a lot of fun. They provide the tunnels and trikes to play with.

Sat. March 27th: National Kite Festival from 10-4pm.

Projects and Creative Ideas for Kids

Hello everyone!

I thought it would be fun to post links to kids project blogs that you follow. I've just posted my favorite one - This Little Project. I am always looking for new creative ideas to do things with my kiddos and this one usually has some pretty cute ideas. If you have any blogs you would like to link to our playgroup blog just send me the info and I'll set it up! Just look under "Projects and Creative Ideas for Kids" on the blog.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Feathery Fun!

Thanks so much for coming today everyone! We had a great turnout. I'm posting the activity here for those of you who were not able to make it. I had planned to do a bird themed playgroup last month since it was national bird month but we had to cancel for the snow.

Book: Are You My Mother? by PD Eastman

Craft#1: Print this picture and color or decorate with feathers-

Craft #2: Pinecone bird feeder-
If you can't find any pinecones you could string up a bagel or a piece of toast and I bet that would work just fine.

Fun bird themed snack ideas:
Unfortunately I didn't make these little nest in time for playgroup but it sounds cute and healthy. We had chickadees (which are on sale at Target right now for about a buck).

See you in a couple of weeks!